Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Yes, I know its been 3 years....much has happened in that time but I'm back. I happened to open my blog yesterday and read some of the posts to my friend Kirstie in Easton, MD on the phone. I guess that is what prompted me to compose again.... I wrote "Keep Humanity Ever Flowing", this morning and posted it on FB and decided to post it here as well. Keep Humanity Ever Flowing.... Try not to mind it much if you feel lonely, alone or unloved, lost or empty....these are the very human emotions intricately necessary as a part of our living fuel to generate harmony among us and the humanity path to peace... Your not alone and never feel that way. Be reminded that this is the very threshold of us acting on reaching out loving , giving, sharing, helping and caring.... The only way to not feel lonely, and to feel loved, found and abundant is to keep on giving to those around you... Everyone is in need of a helping hand, a kind gesture and a smiling in many packages... The only way to receive love is to embrace it and make the effort to give it away....the happiest people are the most charitable..the most content people are those who deny themselves... So stop the waiting, the wailing, the internalizing and self pity...dry your tears as I must and go love someone who needs it as you do, maybe even less... Everyone has their volume of woe. Lets keep picking ourselves up to make time for people and slow down the habitual trail of busy achieving...its that very cycle that gets you to that lonely place...Reaching out saves you from its decline in spirit...and lifts you up. Your not alone and never feel that way. This is the path of humanity and peace... Luv Camilla 3.6.13

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