Monday, June 29, 2009

Morning with Victor Hugo week:

Here is my daily contribution for :
Morning with Victor Hugo week :
"Dream no small dreams. They have no power to stir the souls of men." ~ Victor Hugo
"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent. ~ Victor Hugo
"People do not lack strength; they lack will. ~ Victor Hugo
These are my thoughts on today's quotes and the relevance to my life
today : Somehow all of these quotes remind me of Michael Jackson and the attributes he had along with his amazing gift for entertaining and
unmeasurable talent to perform...All combined is what it took to get him to the top...his discipline and practice and studying the great artists before him never ceased even after he hit the top....He did dream big....with his Peter Pan mentality and his amusement park, People are calling him the best entertainer of our time...people are wishing we paid tribute to him before his death. Yet, somehow you know he has his "Corner in the Sky" and is looking down on all of this smiling. Watching the BET awards; hearing and seeing all of the stories and tributes to him put him right back on the map just like 2 decades ago....I will
share more of that later and more statements from his loved ones....
His songs were the soundtrack to so many era's in my life and you heard
so many people say that yesterday...he touched our hearts...he touched all of us globally....
Blanca from El Salvador was here yesterday who takes care of
my Dad once a week to help me out. She was in tears saying. "I remember his music, my youth, dancing to his music and loving him...I am so sad Micheal Jackson will be missed by me and the people in my

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